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I know its an interesting title but hang tight, stick with me, and I think I can go somewhere with it…

The art of walking fast: the difference between rushing to go somewhere and walking with intention and purpose to further the kingdom.

I feel like a lot of the time we are quick to make lots of tight plans and rush to go somewhere. We try so hard to fill our schedule, up to the minute, too fit in everything perfectly. Heres the thing, if you are making a schedule for every minute and every hour of the day, where are you letting the Lord fit in? When it’s convenient for you? When it’s the easiest for your timing? I’m sorry to say this, but our Creator does not want to have a time slot in the schedule YOU make for YOUR life. If you are rushing to rush, take a second to breath and learn about what the Lord is trying to teach you. Life is not a race. Recently I have been learning that He wants you to walk openly and freely towards the cross. It’s not that we should slow down, in fact we should be walking fast, but walking fast towards the Lord. It is okay to live with a sence of urgency if it’s regarding our Savior, because eternal life IS pressing. I bet that if you gave it a second of thought, you could think of someone in your life who is not a believer, and/or not saved. THAT is when we should be urgently walking to tell and showing them what our redemption is, who our rescuer is, and how preciously valuable they are in the eyes of HIM. 

Are you walking with the thought of just simply going fast, or are you running quickly to the cross?? Have you realized that you’re not urgently walking at all? What season are you walking in??

To all my friends who might be walking a little too fast: I’ve been there; it is fun and easy to go fast but I want to motivate you to shift your vision of walking fast. Don’t just rush for the benefit of yourself, rush for the benefit of salvation for the people around you. Pray for a life altering desire to change how quick you are to walk in obedience to the kingdom.

To all my friends who might be walking a little too slow: I’ve also been there; I urge and encourage you to walk faster in this season, do what’s uncomfortable for you. Uncomfortability leads to growth and change. Not only that, but I hope you find a since of urgency to share the gospel. We don’t know how much time we have here and we don’t know where the people around us are going to spend eternity. Pray for an urgency to serve and a desire to start walking fast with the intentions of being led by the spirit.  

It is not easy to walk fast and you will never be perfect at it, neither will I, but I hope this lights a fire in you to start learning how to better yourself at the art of walking quickly. The gospel is urgent and eternity is closer than we think. So let’s start walking fast… together! 

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you. 

One response to “The Art of Walking Fast”

  1. In reading this, I realize that I probably walk both too fast and too slow. I should try and walk with a purpose to find that happy medium. Life is about who you meet on your walk and how you spend that time with those you come across, whether it’s often or a mere few seconds, it’s about the quality of time you spend as you walk through life, right?